This international conference attracts large number of researchers, university faculty members and industrialists throughout the Country. Undoubtedly, this meeting will gain wide publicity through web, printed media and social media. We have following types of sponsorships:
Platinum Sponsor (Rs. 1.50 Lakh)
One talk + 1 booth at the symposium location + banner at the symposium location and advertisements on the conference venue + Registration with breakfast & lunch for 2 persons.
Gold Sponsor (Rs.1.25 Lakh)
Includes 1 booth at the symposium location + banner at the symposium location and advertisements on the conference venue + Registration with breakfast & lunch for 1 person
Silver Sponsor (Rs. 1.00 Lakh)
Banner at the symposium location advertisements on the conference venue + Registration with breakfast & lunch for 1 person
Bronze Sponsor (Rs. 0.50 Lakh)
Banner at the symposium location on the conference venue + Registration with breakfast & lunch for 1 person
The representatives of different companies, vendors, contractors or consultants are invited to display their products, services or ideas during the two days International Conference on Nanotechnology for Sustainable Environment (NTSE-2024) with a nominal charge of Rs 20,000/- (Rupees Twenty Thousand Only) per stall.
The stall size: 3m x 3m,
Facilities to be provided: 1 Table, 2 Chairs, 1 Tube light, 220V Power Socket and 1 member with free registration including two days breakfast and lunch.
For booking of the stall please write to the convener as early as possible (Email: scbfhit@gmail.com).
*Limited stalls are left. Hurry Up!